Posted on 10/29/2020
Hey all, I have been thinking about how long our vehicles have sat this year. Some never started all spring, some are only moving from the driveway to the stores. Some of us will be traveling by car and truck to visit our families for the holidays - this is exactly why our cars need to be maintained. When vehicles sit too long many different issues can occur, from batteries not starting to having animals chewing the electrical wires and nesting as it gets cold. Having your regular maintenance services performed, even if it is not due by mileage, but by time allows you to avoid any issues. Kind of like still seeing the doctor for your check-ups even though you are feeling well, your vehicle needs to be seen and checked for service. This year, we have seen cars sit so long that brakes have seized, we have found nesting rodents, chewed wires, batteries that would not charge and many other issues that have impacted a vehicles performance. During this time our vehicles can feel like th ... read more