Posted on 6/25/2021
A radiator flush is one of the critical vehicle maintenance services highlighted in the scheduled maintenance placard in the owner's manual. When speaking about a fluid flush, the first thing people think of is an oil change. And while many drivers know the radiator, a considerable number of them aren't savvy with radiator flushes. This post is here to help you understand what a radiator flush is and how often you need to visit your auto care technician for a flush. However, let's first understand the radiator fluid. What is a Radiator Fluid? Coolant is the fluid circulating in the radiator and cools the engine by dissipating much of the temperatures generated by the motor. Antifreeze prevents the coolant from freezing up under icy conditions in winter, thus continuing to cool the motor despite the extreme cold. Coolant is a critical fluid that requires proper maintenance for a healthy and high-performance engine. Understanding a Radiator Flush Just like the transmissio ... read more