Posted on 1/20/2022
Car Batteries and the Cold It is cold outside. Winter is here and it is the time of year that batteries start showing their age. There are multiple reasons as to why your battery is losing charge. Batteries are only expected to last 3-5 years, and that is with a good alternator. There are other factors that can lessen your battery life. Driving Habits Sometimes not taking the scenic route will cost you. If you only drive short trips that can lessen your battery life. Your alternator will not be able to recharge your battery usage. A short trip is considered a half-hour or less. Freezing weather Fully charged batteries will only freeze at around -75 degrees, but if it less than full it can freeze at around 32 degrees. Therefore, when it gets cold outside people often find that their car battery will not start in the morning. Which is frustrating and inconvenient. Idling Idling for prolong times ... read more