Regardless of how clean and pure your gasoline or diesel is, your fuel system will get dirty with the use of your automobile over time. The fuel system has the tendency to become clogged with air and gasoline impurities. When this build-up increases, it can decrease engine output and lower fuel efficiency. In serious cases, it can stop your engine from operating altogether. To avoid this trouble, please be sure to get your fuel system cleaned!
Signs That Indicate You’re Due for a Fuel System Cleaning
- Poor Fuel Mileage - When your engine doesn’t receive the proper amount of fuel, your motor won’t have a balanced air/fuel ratio. It may seem counterintuitive as clogged injectors have less fuel going through them. When an engine lacks fuel, it will use up more fuel.
- Starting Issues - If you’re having trouble starting and you smell gasoline, there is a good chance that the fuel pump is jammed. In contrast, a jerky running car simply means that your car is not receiving enough fuel. Both problems can be repaired when you bring your vehicle to Sunny Service Center for fuel service.
- Fluctuating RPM - This may be strange at first, but the tachometer is simply showing that there are erratic fuel levels present in your engine. This happens as a result of clogged fuel injectors.
- Weak or Laggy Acceleration - If you have problems getting to high speed in a reasonable amount of time, it could be caused by a dirty fuel system. This symptom could be caused by a dirty filter, faulty injectors, or another worn component.
When you bring your car to the Sunny Service Center, you can count that your vehicle and its fuel system will be taken care of. We will replace parts wherever needed and make adjustments accordingly to ensure your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and engine performance are restored. Our professional mechanics will do the following (and more)!
- Injector cleaning
- Throttle carbon removal
- Valve carbon removal
- Adding fuel additives
For professional and affordable fuel system cleaning services by certified technicians, we welcome you to bring your car to Sunny Service Center soon.